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Math Mode submenu

TeX math
TeX displaymath
LaTeX math <CTL CMD M> or <CTL CMD 4>
LaTeX displaymath <CTL OPT CMD M> or <CTL OPT CMD 4>

Math mode may be invoked in a number of ways. Many TeXnical typists rely exclusively on TeX's use of dollar signs and almost always key in their documents horizontally from left to right. Others have adopted LaTeX's tendency to prefer vertical constructions (environments). Still others have settled on some combination of these, using whichever seems comfortable or convenient at the time. Whatever your approach to mathematical typesetting, there's something for everybody in latex.tcl, designed to simplify the input of complex mathematical formulas.

Four math modes are available for normal, left-to-right input. These are called TeX math $...$ and TeX displaymath $$...$$, along with their corresponding LaTeX equivalents called LaTeX math \(...\) and LaTeX displaymath \[...\]. The LaTeX versions are logically equivalent to the multi-line math and displaymath environments (see below). The latter have the advantage that 1) they are often more readable in source form, and 2) they are more easily changed (by simply replacing keywords) as the document evolves.

NOTE: The above command keys automatically switch from LaTeX math and LaTeX displaymath to TeX math and TeX displaymath, respectively, when the flag useDollarSigns is set to true.

Tip: Get into the habit of pressing <CTL CMD M> or <CTL OPT CMD M> when composing in-line equations, since there is less chance of inadvertantly omitting a dollar sign if you do.

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Tom Scavo
Sun Sep 1 11:50:47 EDT 1996